Wednesday, July 25, 2012

God is good, July 23 and 24

    Again, I have become lazy as it relates to updating my blog, and I'm less than five posts in!

    These past two days have really given me a chance to reflect on God's faithfulness to those who trust Him.

    Last night I had the opportunity to go to a different care or small group, and was able to hear from some truly godly men. The topic of discussion was Sundays sermon, Philippians 4:10-13, which dealt with the concept of contentment.
    The nugget I came away with from this discussion was that discontentment, which is usually accompanied by grumbling and complaining, is a direct attack against God. We see in the old testament that God would kill thousands of people because they were thankless!
     I'm sure that at least once in your life you have complained that what you have isn't good enough, I know I have. We must take the time, and actively think and act out a life of contentment because as Paul says in Phil. 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
    Trust God in both the time of plenty, and the times of little. For the good and the bad. The health and the sickness. God is in control.

    Today (Tuesday), was not looking like it was going to be a  good day. Studying wasn't going well, my eyes were just running over the bible passage I was reading, and I wasn't in the best mood.
    I can;t say when it changed, but by 12 o'clock, I was in a much better mood. I was able to work out some software issues I was having, making excellent progress. The topic of my college studies, Middle Eastern history, was passing by like I was reading my favorite book.
    A friend was able to pick me up so we could go see The Dark Knight Rises along with a group of my closest friends, and to top it all off I heard excellent news that the car repair that would have cost me hundreds of dollars will be a fraction of that.
    Looking back over the day, I'm struck that even without a great quiet time or sense of direction, God guided me, and was gracious to me in my difficulties.
    I have only one thing to say, Thank You God.

1 comment:

  1. And another piece of good news... I scored a 95 on my midterm!
