Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Phase 2 Continued and beyond

     I forgot to mention previously that in celebration of our completing the lecture phase, we watched in order, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, in the extended format. Friday to Sunday. It was awesome as many of the people watching had never seen the films before, and it reminded me of the first time I saw them in theaters.
     Monday was the official first day of the Practical phase, and it was presentation day. The nine of us were broken up into teams and given a different topic to present on. My group was focusing on the Wolof and Djola people groups (the two major ethnic groups in Senegal), and we talked about various parts of their culture. The other groups shared on Islam and on Animism.
These last couple of days have been focused on the several skits (or for our English readers, sketches) that we have been preparing for the open air evangelism we will be doing in Senegal.
     We have had more classes on culture and how as Westerners, and more importantly as white people, the way we behave has lasting effects on the mission effort in Senegal, so it was a warning against acting in a way that could hurt the way the church is viewed where we are working.
     Today was primarily cleaning and packing. Tomorrow afternoon, I along with Spencer ( a fellow American) will be flying to London to start our Christmas break. I ask that you be in prayer for us as we are going to be travelling a lot and are in a strange place. 
     This is going to be my last blog entry for awhile ( I don't know how long) and I look forward to writing to you again soon.

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