Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A week of missions and 48 hours

Thank you for the birthday wishes! It is encouraging to hear from you, even a few short words. For my birthday, some of the staff here, Lucie and Tabea, made a fantastic dinner to celebrate me reaching 20 years! While I didn't get to spend time with my family and friends at home, God has blessed me with a third family here in France.

The teaching this week was focused on missions, and we were able to gain specific insight as to what we will encounter in Senegal. Our teacher's name was Moira. She's originally from Scotland, and lived for 8 years as a missionary in Senegal, and she shared some of her experiences from her time there.
She explained what missions is, and used one of the most well know commissioning verses in the bible, Matt. 28:18-20. It gives us very clear parameters for what we are to do, and where we are to go, and just looking at the life of Jesus gives us a model to follow. He chose men to disciple, and after he taught and guided them, he gave them his authority and then the disciples repeated the cycle. That makes us the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great disciples of Jesus himself! (I think I missed a couple of greats in there, but I think you get the idea)
Back to Senegal, Moira explained just a few of the many cultural differences that exist, and how we as workers in their country need to model ourselves after their culture. Also, being a predominately Muslim country, it means that there are certain greetings and traditions that we must be aware of.

This weekend was called 48-hours of prayer. The class room was set up with multiple stations so that if you didn't know what to pray for, there would be some guidance. I took four hours from my weekend to spend in this prayer room. I didn't know what to do, but I came with a question. "God what do you have for me?"
I experienced an incredibly intimate time with God. It was really amazing at how much I felt God's presence, and how quickly time went by. The time was broken up; two, one hour sessions and then a two hour session. It felt like no time had passed before the next person came to the room.
It made me wonder about eternity. If several hours felt like minutes, then no wonder we need eternity to praise Good and get to know him!
I thoroughly enjoyed it and really look forward to spending more of my time in prayer.
God bless.

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