Sunday, November 4, 2012

The last two weeks.....

Happy November! The month of football, leaves falling, unseasonably cold weather, and American Thanksgiving (I need to clarify this for the Canadians reading this.)
This has to be one of the hardest blog updates I've had to write. I really hate not having the writing spirit, and inspiration (I've been trying to get this up since Friday, whoops!)
 These past two weeks delved into very new territory for me; last week was on Spiritual Warfare, and this week was on the Holy Spirit.
The week on Spiritual Warfare took a look at the different aspects that are involved in fighting.There is a war going on and we need to decide whether or not we will exercise the authority that has been delegated to us. (Matt. 28:18-20) This was the point that really spoke to me, as I don't often act on the authority that I have been given. (Luke 10:17-19)
Last Saturday was a great day. We trekked to the Ardeche region (and by trekked, I mean that we drove), and explored some caves and then visited a Troglodyte village (cave houses). I got some really good pictures, which I've posted to Facebook (some of them are below as well)
This past week was on the Holy Spirit, and was really hard to comprehend at points. I thought it would explore more of who the Holy Spirit was, but it was more along the lines of how the teacher experienced the Spirit which was really confusing. So at this point this has to be my least favorite week , and yet I came out of it feeling refreshed, and feeling like I know God just a little bit better.
It was really fun on Friday because we spent time in prayer asking the Holy Spirit to give us a person that we should talk to. (We actually met the person, but didn't know what to say)
The last couple of days, Saturday and today, have been really relaxing and enjoyable. I was able to participate in playing for morning worship for church this morning, and even though I could only understand about half of what was being said, I still enjoyed church today.

That's about it for now. Hopefully I'll have more interesting stuff for next time

I took this shot while driving.

And this is from the village we visited.
And this is Frimousse. He was a stray that hung around until we just gave up trying to get rid of him!He's about 5-6 months old, and more like a dog that a cat!

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