Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hi there everyone,

So this past week was probably one of my favorites, aside from the week on evangelism.
The title for this series was Leadership and Calling, and it was taught by the man that is the leader of YWAM for the entire country of France!
He is the epitome of what it means to be a servant-leader. Nearly every morning, he is here at the base doing maintenance, watering the plants, getting groceries, and so much more.
It was great to be able to hear from him how God develops the calls for certain people, but that there is one call that every Christian has. To be a disciple of Christ.
This topic has been one that has been near to my heart for the past several years, and I had an idea of where I saw God leading, but since I've been here, I've come to realize that some of those goals were my ideas and not of God. So I will trust in the plans that God has for me like he says in Jeremiah 29.
The recurring theme of this week was the five-fold ministry as seen in Ephesians 4:11, with the offices of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. (See 1 Corinthians 12:28, Romans 12:6-8) These are callings within the church, but what about in the outside world? We are called to be in the world but not of it (John 17:14-18) so that means that we are likely to be called to work out side of the church as well.
There are seven fields that each society must have in order to operate. I've already mentioned one, Religion. Economy, Politics, Education, Family, Arts/Media, Science/Technology all make up different aspects that makes a society function, and can be fields that one could be called to. For example, some of the people here feel called to bio-chemistry, teaching, acting, etc. Three different fields that they want to use for the glory of God. I'm not saying that you do one or the other, work in the church or outside the church, but use the gifts and talents that you have been given for the furtherance of the Kingdom.
The final day of teaching of the final day was devoted to leadership, and what makes a good leader. Matthew 20 was the basis for this as we can see Jesus taking on the role of servant, and washing the feet of his disciples.
We took time this week to look at what qualities we see in others and what others see in us, and while some of the stuff I saw I had been aware of, some other character traits and abilities I wasn't aware of and it really made me smile. Not because it made me feel good, but because I had a realization that those traits wouldn't be there without God.
That's it for now, and I apologize for the posting this update a bit late, but more to follow shortly.

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