Monday, November 12, 2012

A week of practicality ... and experimentation.


This week was one devoted to what evangelism is and how easy it is to actually do it. We had several speakers this week sharing different facets of what makes up evangelism. The list is just about endless, because everything we do can be an example of (and should be). Here are just a few of the most common examples of evangelism that you may be familiar with. Baptism (Matt. 28:19), healing (Matt.10:1), preaching (Mark 16:15), praying (Ephesians 6:18), serving (John 13:5), casting out demons (10:7-9), and so many more.
The area that was the newest for me was the concept of healing (we already had gone over the casting out of demons during the week on spiritual warfare) I really didn't know what to make of the concept of healing at first, but then after taking a closer look at the times Jesus sent out disciples (not just the the Twelve, but the 70, and the others that went out in Jesus' name) they were called to heal.
I had always just glanced over this as something that just happened during biblical times, but the passages above, along with what Paul says in his letters about spiritual gifts, one of which is healing.
The other aspects serving, preaching, baptism, etc. are fairly familiar to me so I won't go into much detail with these.
The amazing thing is that I was present when one of my friends here was healed. One of her legs was shorter than the other causing her to have severe back pain that she's had for years. We prayed for healing. Her leg grew, and the pain in her back is gone.
In other news, yesterday (Sunday), we were invited by the pastor of the local church to come over for lunch. It was a really fun time and it was nice to get away from the base. He and his family live in the middle of vineyards, and it makes for a very beautiful countryside.
Here are just a few pictures (the rest are on Facebook)

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