Friday, October 5, 2012

2 Weeks... And counting

I've now been here in France for two weeks, but it feels like months. Hard to believe that I have more than two months left, and then another couple months in Senegal!
It has been feeling very New England-ish, weather-wise, with lots of rain and chilly wind. I woke up this morning and the countryside was hidden in fog (sorry, no pictures). Later on, it turned into a gorgeous, southern France type of day. Lots of sun, and a gentle breeze. Made for a good reading environment.
Another week of classes is over, and same as last time, I have come away with a deeper understanding of the nature of God. When I have a small breakthrough, an ah-ha moment, I am filled with so much excitement, I grin like an idiot. The smallest thing can set me off laughing.
The topic covered was a deep one (again). Sin and Repentance. When I heard what the topic of discussion was, I had an uh-oh moment. Many Christians don't like to talk about how ugly our sin truly is, and whenever some talks about it, it can be difficult to swallow.
As I had guessed, it was hard hitting, but it drew every aspect of what makes sin so disgusting to God from Scripture.
We discussed the sacrifices made by the Jews in the Tabernacle and in the Temple. There was a lot of blood required to atone for the sins of Israel, so it should come as no surprise that the perfect sacrifice that would cover the sins of all the world, for all time, would be a nasty, horrible affair.
One of the topics discussed was on Jesus and the Cross. This is defining point for mankind and sin. With a little medical commentary, we broke down the suffering that Jesus likely went through. It was a sobering session. The amount of pain, both emotional and physical, that He suffered for mankind brought some in the class to tears, many others were choked up, myself included.
We covered a vast amount of ground, but the key point to remember is that Christ suffered and died, but He  rose from the grave!!! He conquered over death and gave those who believe in Him the ability to conquer sin in their lives, the sin in my life.
There is just to much for me to tell you all about unless you want to read an essay that I really have no interest in writing. I'll give you the key words, verses, and phrases from this week, in no particular order.
Rom 3:23, Rom. 6:23-24, Sin, Repentance (Matt. 4:17), Conversion, Falling short, Sin's beginning (Gen. 3),   Miss the target, Consequences, Condemnation, Suffering, Sacrifice, Death, Resurrection, Justification, Faith, Strength, 2 Cor. 5:17, Confession, 1 John 1:8-10, Temptation, Titus 2:11-15.
I think that's enough to give you a taste of what I learned this week.
Jouir et que Dieu bénisse.
Bonne nuit

1 comment:

  1. excellent thoughts, Taylor, thank you for sharing! You may want to consider an essay..
    God Bless!
