Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A week (and then some) of reflection and change

So it's been about a week and a half since my last update. The reason for this is that I have been looking through my journal and trying to figure out how to best describe the experiences from the past week. And I've come to the realization that words can't even begin to grasp what happened.
The topic of teaching (if it can be called that) was on intimacy with God. Right at the beginning, it was made very clear that this wouldn't be a week of intellectual learning, but one of spiritual growth, and connecting with God's Spirit (the Holy Spirit).
With this in mind, I had several close encounters that I can't find the words to explain, other than to say that I was brought low, and then I was soaring through the heavens. I had moments of clarity as it related to my life and areas of sin were revealed to me that I didn't know existed.
It was extremely personal, so I won;t go into further detail than that. I will, however, give a summation of how God has worked in my life since I've been here. A softening of my conscience, a sensitizing of my spirit to what God wants in my life, and a humbling of my will to the awesome power of God.
Here is a poem that I wrote, drawing on Song of Solomon 5:2-7, and Psalm 91.

Who should I fear?
You have rescued me!
Why do I cower?
You have raised me up!
I wake from deep sleep.
Listening, I hear a gentle knock,
In the dead of night, I hear.
Who is it? Who comes?
Like the wind, I rush
Rush to the door.
I lift the latch, and pull
The door swings open, wide.
There he stands, the one I long for.
My Salvation, and Redeemer.

God bless you.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A week of worship and humility

Sadly, I have no new photos to post, but I've been compiling some of the pictures taken by my fellow classmates and will be able to upload those this coming week.
Last Sunday, I attempted to go to a local Catholic, but after waiting an hour and nothing happening, I walked back to the house. The good news was that I had a great quiet time (It also was quite fun to longboard to church.)

Like it says in the title, this weeks lectures were on Worship and Praise, and what it means to worship (and it's not just the music you play or listen to).
To start off with, we learned some Greek and Hebrew words that all mean either worship or praise, but there is a physical act that accompanies it. There were seven Hebrew words (which I spelled all wrong) but you can find the words and meanings here, and it will be a lot clearer than I could write it.

This was very important because when I worship I rarely raise my hands, never kneel, and never even thought about falling on my face. And yet this is all part of worship.  (The Hebrew word for worship, Shachah, literally means to bow down.)

This week was also one of the most humbling experiences in my life. I won't go into to much detail, but taking a physical position of vulnerability such as kneeling or lying on your face gives you a very different perspective, and for me at least was transforming. It's not a natural thing, at least in the American mindset to kneel and bow before anyone, as we are all equal. Well, when you enter into the presence of your creator, there's not much else we can do. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but it brought me another step closer to understanding God's love and sacrifice for me, and His bigness.

One phrase stuck out and really spoke to my heart. "You have a choice. You can either humble yourself before God willingly, or you will be humiliated before Him on the Day of Judgement." We looked at Philippians 2:10-11 and see a prophecy of what will happen. I found it difficult, physically painful to kneel. How much more so when it will it be for those that don't believe and yet still have to bow. Something to think about.

Finally, in closing, true worship requires sacrifice. Something that you really care about and will miss. Looking at the Passover for example, the Jews were told to take the spotless lamb and care for it. They were then to sacrifice it as atonement for their sins. In 2 Samuel 24:24, David won't sacrifice something that cost him nothing. We clearly don't sacrifice animals anymore today, so what are we to do then. Look to Psalm 51:17, and we see that a broken heart and spirit are what God wants as sacrifice. My pride was getting in the way of being able to worship, but God humbled me and brought me out new.

That's it for this week!

Friday, October 5, 2012

2 Weeks... And counting

I've now been here in France for two weeks, but it feels like months. Hard to believe that I have more than two months left, and then another couple months in Senegal!
It has been feeling very New England-ish, weather-wise, with lots of rain and chilly wind. I woke up this morning and the countryside was hidden in fog (sorry, no pictures). Later on, it turned into a gorgeous, southern France type of day. Lots of sun, and a gentle breeze. Made for a good reading environment.
Another week of classes is over, and same as last time, I have come away with a deeper understanding of the nature of God. When I have a small breakthrough, an ah-ha moment, I am filled with so much excitement, I grin like an idiot. The smallest thing can set me off laughing.
The topic covered was a deep one (again). Sin and Repentance. When I heard what the topic of discussion was, I had an uh-oh moment. Many Christians don't like to talk about how ugly our sin truly is, and whenever some talks about it, it can be difficult to swallow.
As I had guessed, it was hard hitting, but it drew every aspect of what makes sin so disgusting to God from Scripture.
We discussed the sacrifices made by the Jews in the Tabernacle and in the Temple. There was a lot of blood required to atone for the sins of Israel, so it should come as no surprise that the perfect sacrifice that would cover the sins of all the world, for all time, would be a nasty, horrible affair.
One of the topics discussed was on Jesus and the Cross. This is defining point for mankind and sin. With a little medical commentary, we broke down the suffering that Jesus likely went through. It was a sobering session. The amount of pain, both emotional and physical, that He suffered for mankind brought some in the class to tears, many others were choked up, myself included.
We covered a vast amount of ground, but the key point to remember is that Christ suffered and died, but He  rose from the grave!!! He conquered over death and gave those who believe in Him the ability to conquer sin in their lives, the sin in my life.
There is just to much for me to tell you all about unless you want to read an essay that I really have no interest in writing. I'll give you the key words, verses, and phrases from this week, in no particular order.
Rom 3:23, Rom. 6:23-24, Sin, Repentance (Matt. 4:17), Conversion, Falling short, Sin's beginning (Gen. 3),   Miss the target, Consequences, Condemnation, Suffering, Sacrifice, Death, Resurrection, Justification, Faith, Strength, 2 Cor. 5:17, Confession, 1 John 1:8-10, Temptation, Titus 2:11-15.
I think that's enough to give you a taste of what I learned this week.
Jouir et que Dieu bénisse.
Bonne nuit