Saturday, September 29, 2012

A blessing and a nice long walk

Yesterday was the last lecture on the Attributes and Nature of God. Lots of points were put forward, many being very different perspectives. Some I found to be absolutely biblical some others made me cringe inside, and I could not find conclusive biblical evidence to support the particular point be made. I made note of this and the teacher said that there are some things that we need to wrestle with, and he appreciated me asking him about it.
He then spent some time in prayer for us and spoke words of blessing on us. The words he directed to me struck me and I got very emotional. He told us to confirm what he said to us through scripture and praying.

Today was the first day that we got to sleep in, and though I missed breakfast, it was worth it. With only a pear, and a cup of coffee, Spencer (one of my room mates) and I went on a hike into the area behind the house.
Here are the scenes from our walk...

Friday, September 28, 2012

Saint Paul

Hi there!

Yesterday, our group had the chance to go into town and see what an old town looks. Here are some of the pictures I was able to take. I will come back and caption when I have time, but in the mean time, enjoy!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

On the attributes of God..... and more! 27 Septembre

Hi everyone!

The last several days have flown by. The day after I arrived, 23 Septembre, I slept until 1 o'clock pm! It was then a game of Pictionary (in French) and then a group dinner where we got to know who everyone was. 

There are 8 students here, two from France, two from Canada, three from the US and one from Australia. Five gals and three guys.

We (the students with musical talents) also started working on worship music and hopefully will be ready in the coming weeks.... Practiced for 4 hours yesterday.... completely lost track of time, but we sounded good together.

This week we are learning about the attributes of God.... Ok well, just a few of the attributes of God. We have learned about why we need to know who God is, His mercy and love, and the last few days we've specifically been talking about the Trinity, how God is a relational being and how God chose to be holy, just, loving etc. 

The classes this week are being taught by Daniel Schaerer. He's from France but speaks English very well and at times is correcting the interpreter!
The most recent lectures have been on the relational aspect of God and it was thought provoking because it gave me deeper insight into who God is (the whole point of the lecture!).He was with the Son and Holy Spirit, and then He created angels, and then man. He saw that man was lonely so He made woman to partner with the man. All these things I knew, but were put into a different context, and made me appreciate God more.

About God choosing to be holy, just, etc. I really was confused about this at first. How could He choose to be those things? Isn't it His nature to be those things? The answer blew my mind and I'm still trying to fully comprehend it. Because God just is and wasn't created, He has the ability to be whatever he wants to be. He didn't have to be just, but He chose to be. He didn't have to  be loving, He chose it. So on and so forth. Every attribute of God is one that He chose for Himself!

We then looked at a warped perspective of who God is. There are many examples. The snake tempting Eve in the Garden, telling her that God was a liar. The Hebrews who are just about to enter the Promised Land, turn back and say that God hates them for bringing them out of Egypt. The Parable of the talents, with the third servant having a completely wrong perception of who his master was. Each of these examples have a few things in common. One,there is a view of the Lord that is twisted, and second, there is punishment that follows. Adam and Eve are thrown out of the Garden. The Hebrews wander in the desert 40 years. The servant is cast out into darkness.

I am so excited to be here and thank God that He has given me this opportunity.

More to come, along with more pictures!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Les photos de 22 Septembre

This was right after I landed in Madrid. It was about 7am local time, and still dark outside!
   This is just as I'm about to depart Madrid for Lyon.

 Le Lyon-Saint Exupery Aeroport
And this is where I will be staying for the next several months, Saint Paul-3-Chateaux.