Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Since last time, August 15

Hi everyone,

After talking with some friends who are far more experienced with blogging than I am, so I will be going to a post a week.

That being the case, a lot has happened since my last update.

I went to the French consulate, but was misinformed as to the proper paperwork to have, so wasn't able to get my Student visa, but it turns out that it may be a blessing in disguise.

Another batch of support letters was sent out (88), and I've reached the 30% mark of my fundraising. Still a way to go, but God will provide.

On the education front, there are only 15 more credits to complete before I can receive my BA in History. This past week I spent many hours completing FEMA courses (free college credit courses) and that finished up my electives.

Slowly and steadily progressing through Rosetta Stone, and I will be able to speak with some fluency, at least enough to make myself understood.

My quiet-times have been two pronged, Romans and Philippians. Romans was a book I started on my own, and Philippians was the book that was the topic of the sermon for the past couple of months. Needless to say, I am getting a lot out of these passages of scripture.

Prayers are always appreciated as are comments or concerns.

Thanks and God Bless.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wisdom teeth and pain, August 3

So after many days, I am again writing. If you wouldn't mind leaving a comment, I would love to know who is reading this blog.

So last Monday, I went in to get my wisdom teeth out, and this was the first time I had ever gone under for any kind of surgery. But thankfully, I was at peace and spent most of my time before the surgery thinking on Philippians 4, which has been the source of the sermons from the past weeks at church.

Paul was in far more dangerous places than I was, and I as I was thinking on the trials he went through, I remembered that God was with Paul in his trials, and the God would be with me.

The teeth came out, and  here I am minutes after I wake up. I felt great, but it was not to last. These last few days have been me trying to stay off the Vicodin, just taking the antibiotic, and ibuprofen, but it has been a time where I see God's grace in my life in the little things (amazing what you pick up when you're high as a kite!)

And that's it for this entry. My next support letter is nearly done and I should be sending it out either today or tomorrow.

God bless.